There’s plenty to make you go head over heels for a pilot. They know how to push the right buttons. They literally sweep you off your feet. They can take you on the best romantic getaways. And then there’s the uniform! What’s better than a man in a suit? (Other than a man out of one.)

To satisfy your wander-lust, here are seven hot male pilots who I’m sure we’d all love to fly away with.








And if you’re really into hot pilots, check out my book, The Love Left Behind

Pilot Nick Galanos is on a mission to visit the fifty countries his mother couldn’t before she died. But the closer he gets to his goal, the more he worries that he won’t have anything to show for it but stamps in a crowded passport. On a rare visit back home, he meets a hot electrician with a killer set of dimples. Suddenly a future of shared adventures seems possible.

Except for one thing…

Lyall Turner’s big brother died in a plane crash. He’s been afraid of flying most of his life, but there’s no shortage of destinations in Australia that don’t require a boarding pass. But then he meets Nick and suddenly his ‘no biggie’ phobia stands squarely in the way of a beautiful future together. Now he has to decide whether he’s going to let his fear or his heart take the lead.

And will Nick stay grounded while he decides?

Grab a copy from your favourite ebook store.