And I haven’t a thing to wear!


I debated about joining NaNoWriMo this year. I’ve only successfully completed it once and that was four years ago.

Pros of joining include the multitude of people taking part and the deadline and goal you set yourself.

Cons include the agony of forcing yourself to write on days you don’t want to just so you can keep up with the milestones. But isn’t that what being a writer is all about?

But after knocking myself around for a bit, sense and reason won through and I’ve joined up again.

Though I had been working on a particular story for a while and was about 23,000 words into it, I decided to start with a clean slate and work on something else. And that is the sequel to The Beckoning Blood.

I’ve got vague plot points written down and a sort of beginning but not much else that could count as planning. It feels like I just need to sit down and write and the intricacies of the plot (or any plot) will start to emerge.

I love those moments when I find myself writing something I had never even thought of before and it fitting perfectly with the plot.

To me, that’s the joy of writing. It’s the joy of discovery.

So I started on 1 November and beat the required number of words (1667) by getting down 2000 words in an hour. I’ve managed to keep up with the targets.

And I must say, I’m feeling pretty good about it.

If you want to see me bemoaning my NaNoWriMo progress, be sure to follow me on Twitter (@danieldelorne).

Are you taking part in NaNoWriMo this year?