50k in 30 days is over, has been for at least 16 hours (more if you’re on the other side of the country). And how did I go? Not very well. For some reason the month evaporated and I was left at the end scratching my head wondering where it had vanished to. It was not a total wasted effort though, barely wasted at all. Just frustrating.

By the 30th of June I had edited 10,000 words. Ok, it’s nowhere near the 90,000 that I wanted to have completed but at least it’s a start. I was slightly side tracked by reading Margie Lawson’s ECE lectures which were so useful that I had to return to what I’d already edited and start again. It helped, no doubt about that. I’ve now got five chapters that I am content with.

Are writers ever actually overjoyed by what they write?

The rest of my time was spent doing things that unfortunately needed to be done. Lately though, I’ve been editing a lot more and getting through chapters much better. I’ve nearly finished part one. There’s one more chapter to go, about 1500 words, then I’ll do one more pass from start to finish of the chapter and then move on to part two. Sounds like a plan?

So, watch as I continue to ride this beast until it submits. I will get this finished.

I will get this finished.

I will get this finished.

I will…