Great news! I’m finished with the 50k in 30 days challenge with plenty of time to spare. OK, I didn’t actually write 50,000 words during the month, however, I did get to the end of the first draft of my new book and this was really my aim for the month. I didn’t keep to the daily target but I still managed close to 25,000 words which brings the manuscript near to 70,000 words.

Winner! (Photo from

Winner! (Photo from

A few years ago, the thought of writing that many words would have been unconscionable. Even 30,000 words would have been a stretch. It’s still not an easy thing but at least it seems more achievable now. I’m just impressed I was able to hold focus for so long and sustain some sort of story arc.

And while the draft is very rough and not very pretty, the basics are there. The canvas has something on it, a vague hint of a background and some shapes. Next comes the detail. I haven’t yet decided when I’ll start revising. I think I’ll let it sit for a couple of weeks before I attempt it.

I’ve heard that some of the other 50k30day participants are going to repeat the event in July so that might be a good opportunity to revise/rewrite or else start writing something else. I’ve got a few more days to decide.

One thing’s for certain, I don’t think I would have reached ‘the end’ quite so quickly if not for the looming deadline or the collegial sprinting in the chat room. Both were great motivators to get words onto the screen. Not sure if using the sprint chat room for editing is quite right for me s0 maybe that will encourage me to write something new for July. We’ll see.

Good luck to all those participators in their final days of the challenge. I hope your words are bountiful.