I took a day off after I finished writing the NaNoWriMo book last week, which at the moment is called Binding Spirit, and then I picked up where I left off on a book I’d started earlier in the year. On that first day I got about 3000 words down, which was great.

I started the book, called The Dischords, in January and worked on it for a couple of months before it languished around the 20,000 word mark. I then began working on it again in October before putting it aside to work on Binding Spirit.

Once that was done, I returned to it and was pleased to find it didn’t take much effort to pick up where I left off. It looked like the NaNoWriMo momentum was going to stick around for a while. I then took the weekend off and picked it up again on Monday.

I sat staring at the screen for about half an hour, while trying to think of what to write next. My hero’s voice sounded in my head and suggested we go for a walk. I resisted at first, mostly because I didn’t know what would happen, but eventually I relented and we took a turn around the city for a thousand words. We then went back home and I wrote another 2000.

The rest of the week has gone pretty well too. From where I was after NaNoWriMo with 25,000 words, I’m now up to 37,000. I don’t think I’ll finish it off before the end of the year, what with Christmas and all, but it’ll be close. If not December, then definitely January, just in time for revisions for The Beckoning Blood to come through.

Then after revisions, I’ll edit Binding Spirit until it’s ready for submission. I’m not sure what to do while editing, whether I should write or not. I don’t like the idea of not writing at all because then it will be hard to pick it up again but can I really do both at the same time? Will see.

That’s enough from me. Off to Washington, DC on Friday for a three-day weekend. Have a good one everyone.