Wonderful news! Escape Publishing has picked up my vampire novel, The Beckoning Blood. There’s no fixed date for release yet, however, it will likely be towards the middle of 2014. When I know I’ll be sure to let you know.

I started writing The Beckoning Blood in November 2009 for NaNoWriMo and finished the first draft in early January 2010. It then took a good year and a half to wrangle it into something vaguely readable, though, by the time I submitted it to Escape, I’d edited it about five or six times.

I submitted the first three chapters to Escape in early 2013 and despite getting a rejection first-time around, Managing Editor Kate Cuthbert gave me some excellent feedback and an option to resubmit

After looking again at the opening and why it wasn’t quite working, I resubmitted the first three chapters and then got a request for a full.

While on holiday in Quebec City, I woke up to an email from Kate saying she’d like to offer me a contract for the book.

My poor partner. There was no going back to sleep after that. Far too excited.

Accepted for publication!

Accepted for publication!

I’ve now signed the contract and will soon begin working with an editor on revisions. I’m looking forward to working with someone who’s got a different point of view of the book. I’ve looked at it for so long now, as has my exceedingly generous and helpful critique partner, Nikki Logan, that a fresh set of eyes should help enormously.

I’m also looking forward to seeing what I get on the cover. For a book about hot gay twin vampires, I’m hoping it will be something that’s very sexy but also with a lot of darkness to it.

And I’ve started work on the sequel. Now that The Beckoning Blood will be published, there’s an added impetus to get the second book written. Exciting times ahead!

Oh, and just so you have all the details, Escape Publishing is a digital-first publisher. The Beckoning Blood will be available as an ebook from their website or your favourite ebook provider. A full list will be up on this website closer to the date.

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