We’re three weeks into NaNoWriMo. I’m keeping up, even getting ahead occasionally. The thing I’ve found difficult is not knowing exactly where this story is going. I have a vague idea of what I want to happen but it’s not locked down. There’s also a big gap from the beginning to the end where anything could happen.

Nanowrimo 2013

So I’m writing it in chunks, dealing with sets of characters as they take my fancy. Some interesting things have happened, new things cropping up I hadn’t thought about, including putting more of a focus on a couple of other characters that I hadn’t considered would play much of a role.

What has been the hardest is just letting myself go with the flow and write wherever the thought takes me. What’s frightening about this is the possibility that I won’t get where I think I need to get to by “the end”.

I’m trying to beat that fear down because it’s not helpful. In fact, it’s stifling and shutting down the creative possibilities.

I’ll see how the rest of the month goes, taking a few leaps here and there. Should be fun.

Wish me luck.

You can follow my NaNoWriMo progress by following me on Twitter (@danieldelorne).