It’s day six of the 50k in 30 days challenge and I’m happy to say that I’m more or less on target. Isn’t that great?

I had a slow start on the first day with only 556 words written and then nothing on day two. But then the weekend came around and surprisingly I had some free time and bashed out more than 5100 words. Even I was astounded by this.

I use the word ‘bash’ because that’s pretty much what this is. It’s a numbers (and words) games. I’ve just got to get them down on page, in some semblance of an order and plot. Editing – my god, will there be editing – can come later. As I was helpfully told the other day, “You can’t edit a blank page.” Amen to that!

So then day four I wrote a bit less than my target and day five I wrote nothing. NOTHING! So that mean today I had to write about 2800 words to keep on track. And despite my initial apprehensions, despite getting home late from work and cooking dinner and watching the season finale of Laid (didn’t you just love it?), I managed to achieve my goal and I’m sitting pretty. Well, sitting pretty would be 5k ahead instead of being on par.

But either way, I’m stoked. I didn’t think I’d get this far. I thought I’d be way behind by now. And now look at me. Nearly 10,000 extra words of my current work in progress and I’m energised and heading for THE END.

I think this is what’s commonly referred to as “First Week Euphoria” when the numbers are looking good and you’re buoyed by success. Week two is a bit of a drudge, though I think I might be a bit ahead there as I’m already nearing the end of my story and not hitting the saggy middle.

I think I’ve got another five or six chapters to go until I reach an adequate conclusion. So really, I might not reach the 50k target but that’s fine. All I really want is to finish this story.

So, week two starts tomorrow. Let’s see what it has in store for me.