It’s that time of year again. Romance Writers of Australia is running a Nanowrimo-style event in June. The general target is to write 50,000 words in 30 days though many people take on different challenges – writing 30,000 or 35,000 or editing a book or two, etc.

Ready...set...go! (Photo from

Ready...set...go! (Photo from

I’ve decided to participate to complete (I originally wrote “to try to complete” but that’s just inviting failture) the first draft of my second book which is set in a post-Apocalyptic world. I’m up to 46,000 words now.

My goal is to get the first draft finished by the end of June which I think will take another 30,000 words or so. It’s a bit meandering at the moment, needs a lot of tightening up, but I think the base is reasonably solid. The polishing will come later. For now, getting the first draft done is the important thing.

So, tomorrow I start. Or rather, continue. But with conviction. Even though I think I only need another 30,000 I’m going to set my target as 50,000 just so I have a good, challenging goal that prompts me to write every day.

There we go. Who else wants to join me in this?